3 min readJan 5, 2023

Feeling pangs of jealousy, uncertainness, and confusion after your first swinger full swap is normal. It’s extremely important after your first swinger experience to sit down and discuss all the things you liked and disliked so you can build better boundaries and ensure a great time is had by all the next time.


How do you get used to all the emotions after seeing your husband with another woman? I think at the time, at the moment, I was numb. There was a pang of…something when she first performed oral on him, and then when seeing him have sex with her. He was really into it. The woman’s man I was with was very skilled at oral, I have never experienced anything like that, my husband is good but this guy….has a gift lol. However, he could not get hard. They had both taken one of my husband’s viagra. The woman was thoroughly enjoying my husband. So I think maybe I was feeling left out because she was getting pounded pretty good. I pretty much just got oral other than one time my hubby came up behind me for a minute. In the end, my hubby had not finished yet so I took his hand, told him I’d make him cum. I started oral on him. The girl had said she was done. But as soon as I got him hard here she comes, taking over his dick from me, and then the other guy came to me from behind. Hubby took her from behind and finished. The other guy did not get as hard, he was not as good as my husband. So maybe I felt left out? My husband doesn’t understand why I have to dissect everything lol. He said he felt jealous too seeing me enjoy getting oral. But he also was very turned on. I did get a little turned on seeing him with her, but I don’t think as much. He wishes there would have been more interaction between her and me. And I think I don’t want him to finish with another woman maybe? We already have rules, no kissing opposite sex (he doesn’t care if I kiss a woman), no doing things separately-we only do this as a couple. But maybe we need to just explore more to see what works and what doesn’t work. Any advice or input is welcome. I just want to add that I don’t regret anything, I just hope to be able to deal with my emotions better so I can enjoy this couples adventure lol.


This might not seem like it at the moment but it appears you had a fairly positive experience all things considered. It’s positive because you were able to look back on it and discern precisely what things you liked and what things you weren’t sure about, and potentially things you can do differently next time.

These are all valuable data points to help you decide how you proceed the next time and make it more enjoyable. Not everyone takes the time to really reflect on their experience and just chalk things up to things being or not being a good match. Sometimes that is the case but sometimes it’s not but you can only know through the kind of reflection you are doing now.




Written by Blaxity

A community of likeminded people building relationship 2.0 one couple at a time.

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