4 min readJan 6, 2023

Today’s blog post is all about the different types of relationships that exist these days. There are quite a few. We must educate ourselves on these different types of relationships to ensure we are living our life the way we want, and to know that after many failed monogamous relationships, there are other options out there!



Monogamy is defined as a relationship or marriage with only one person at a time or the practice of having only one mate. This can either be for life or just being exclusive with one person at a time.


Popularized within the last few years by Dan Savage, monogamish relationships are those in which a couple is primarily monogamous, but allows varying degrees of sexual contact with others. As with other non-monogamous relationships, rules structuring these external sexual contacts vary by the couple: Some allow only one-night stands (no second time with the same person) or only specific kinds of sexual activity (i.e., kissing and groping are OK, but no intercourse), and others have time or location limitations (e.g., no more than a week, or only when people are traveling or not at home).

Often, partnered individuals who practice this form have an emotionally monogamous/erotically promiscuous relationship.

The focus tends to be more on sexual variety and sexual relationships with other people, and other relationships tend to be casual and commitment-free


This is an umbrella term for consensually non-monogamous relationships based on a primary couple who are “open” to sexual contact with others. The most common form of open relationship is that of a married or long-term committed couple that takes on a third (or sometimes fourth or fifth) partner whose involvement and role in the relationship is always secondary. A couple practicing this relationship type might engage in sexual activity with the secondary partner together or separately, or they may each have independent outside relationships with different secondary partners — regardless of the specific parameters, the primary couple always remains a priority.


Polygamy is a marriage or relationship consisting of more than two people. Although monogamy is the most popular relationship style in the world, polygamy predates it. There are two types of polygamy:

This is a marriage of one husband and multiple wives, who are each sexually exclusive with the husband. Worldwide, Muslims are most likely to be polygynous, with the highest concentrations of contemporary polygyny in the Middle East and parts of Africa.


Polyandry is a marriage of one wife to multiple husbands — is far rarer, as marriages between one woman and multiple men have received less social, political, and cultural support than have polygynous relationships.


Among recognized or intentional forms of non-monogamy, swinging is the best known and most popular. Swinging involves committed couples consensually exchanging partners specifically for sexual purposes. It is tremendously diverse, ranging from brief interactions between or among strangers at sex parties or clubs, to groups of friends who know each other and have socialized for many years. B


Progressive swinging is a newer term that describes swingers who are comfortable with and sometimes prefer emotional intimacy with their other sexual partners. Often, progressive swingers enjoy having friendships with their play partners and enjoy doing nonsexual activities outside of the bedroom in addition to sexual activities.


Polyamory is a relationship style that allows people to openly conduct multiple sexual and/or romantic relationships simultaneously, ideally with the knowledge and consent of all involved in or affected by the relationships. Polyfidelity is similar, except that it is a closed relationship style that requires sexual and emotional fidelity to an intimate group that is larger than two.


Given the anarchist nature of this relationship philosophy, it is difficult to pin down an exact definition of relationship anarchy (RA). Relationship anarchists are often highly critical of conventional cultural standards that prioritize romantic and sex-based relationships over non-sexual or non-romantic relationships. Instead, RA seeks to eliminate specific distinctions between or hierarchical valuations of friendships versus love-based relationships, so that love-based relationships are no more valuable than platonic friendships. Each relationship is unique and can evolve as participants require; if a conflict arises, people deal with the issues, or the relationship comes to an end. Because love is abundant, people can have many concurrent meaningful and loving relationships that are not limited to the couple format.

Second, another important theme within RA is the resistance to placing demands or expectations on the people involved in a relationship. Whereas swingers and polyamorists often create specific rules and guidelines to structure their relationships, RA rejects such rules, inevitably leading to a hierarchical valuation of some partners over others. In RA, no one should give anything up or compromise to sustain a relationship; rather, it is better to separate amicably than to sustain an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship.




Written by Blaxity

A community of likeminded people building relationship 2.0 one couple at a time.

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